Student essay
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
The Technological Tower of Babel: Electronic and Digital Tongues in Media Society :: Technology Technological Essays
The Technological Tower of Babel: Electronic and Digital Tongues in Media Society Works Cited Missing Foresee the second at which all your own electronic gadgets - earphone sound player, cell phone, pager, dictaphone, camcorder, individual advanced right hand (PDA), electronic pointer, radiomodem, adding machine, Loran situating framework, savvy exhibitions, VCR remote, information glove, electronic running shoes that tally your means and blaze cautioning signals at approaching vehicles, clinical checking framework, pacemaker (on the off chance that you are so heartbreaking), and whatever else that you may routinely wear or sometimes convey - can consistently be connected in a remote bodynet that permits them to work as a coordinated framework and interfaces them to the overall computerized organize. (Mitchell 29) In City of Bits, from which the above citation was taken, William Mitchell traces a carefully incorporated future which we need just hopefully envision. He proceeds to examine the chance, or maybe certainty, of cyborg residents where computerized and electronic gadgets will broaden and improve human discernment, effectiveness and by and large accommodation. Be that as it may, what is observably minimized in the above citation is reference to the resident segment of this innovative advantageous interaction. Past the amorphous statement that it will be you who will be wearing or conveying these gadgets, the main component that approximates the thought of a human inside this mass of interconnected gadgetry is Mitchell's idea of the bodynet. But instead than inferring that the human body is at the focal point of a system of innovation, this term appropriates a human trademark and applies it to an idle assortment of computerized gadgets. What Mitchell incidentally insinuates is the way th at as our computerized parts speak with one another, our natural half is progressively consigned to the fringe of this correspondence, and by expansion, of this new robotic presence. In the event that innovation is to assume the vital job plot in City of Bits, the most significant advancement to come out of the idea of the cyborg resident likely could be the muffling of the human voice under the undeniably tumultuous voice of innovation. In spite of the fact that Mitchell's idea of the cyborg resident might be a few years away, the preparation for the evacuation of human language has just been laid. In addition to the fact that technology circumvents human language through intra-mechanical correspondence, it additionally degrades it as people become increasingly reliant on innovatively interceded language transmission. The phone, the TV, and most as of late the Internet and advanced advances deconstruct and afterward reconstitute human substance at gathering locales. The Technological Tower of Babel: Electronic and Digital Tongues in Media Society :: Technology Technological Essays The Technological Tower of Babel: Electronic and Digital Tongues in Media Society Works Cited Missing Foresee the second at which all your own electronic gadgets - earphone sound player, cell phone, pager, dictaphone, camcorder, individual computerized right hand (PDA), electronic pointer, radiomodem, mini-computer, Loran situating framework, keen scenes, VCR remote, information glove, electronic running shoes that tally your means and blaze cautioning signals at approaching vehicles, clinical checking framework, pacemaker (on the off chance that you are so tragic), and whatever else that you may routinely wear or at times convey - can consistently be connected in a remote bodynet that permits them to work as a coordinated framework and associates them to the overall advanced system. (Mitchell 29) In City of Bits, from which the above citation was taken, William Mitchell traces a carefully coordinated future which we need just hopefully foresee. He proceeds to examine the chance, or maybe certainty, of cyborg residents where advanced and electronic gadgets will broaden and upgrade human recognition, effectiveness and generally accommodation. In any case, what is perceptibly made light of in the above citation is reference to the resident part of this innovative advantageous interaction. Past the shapeless affirmation that it will be you who will be wearing or conveying these gadgets, the main component that approximates the idea of a human inside this mass of interconnected gadgetry is Mitchell's idea of the bodynet. But instead than inferring that the human body is at the focal point of a system of innovation, this term appropriates a human trademark and applies it to a dormant assortment of advanced gadgets. What Mitchell coincidentally insinuates is the way that as our comp uterized portions speak with one another, our organic half is progressively consigned to the fringe of this correspondence, and by augmentation, of this new robotic presence. On the off chance that innovation is to assume the vital job plot in City of Bits, the most significant improvement to come out of the thought of the cyborg resident likely could be the muffling of the human voice under the inexorably rambunctious voice of innovation. In spite of the fact that Mitchell's idea of the cyborg resident might be a few years away, the foundation for the evacuation of human language has just been laid. In addition to the fact that technology circumvents human language through intra-mechanical correspondence, it likewise downgrades it as people become increasingly reliant on innovatively intervened language transmission. The phone, the TV, and most as of late the Internet and computerized advances deconstruct and afterward reconstitute human substance at gathering locales.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Domino's pizza case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Domino's pizza - Case Study Example This examination presents the basic develops of the new data system, the computerized advancements utilized in the execution of the methodology just as the capability of such innovation to be part or suggestive of a computerized biological system. Domino’s progressive data framework stems basically from activity advancement commended by innovation empowered procedures, and all the more explicitly the store plan. Since the fundamental strides of making pizza accessible involve arrangement of the request by the client followed by a quick request planning that thinks about the holding up time term adjusted against quality support, the requirement for senior supervisors to screen the pace of request readiness got basic. Therefore, the business dependent on its operational structure and accessible innovation revealed a program, the leaderboard that furnishes senior supervisors with ongoing data on execution investigation and operational measurements. Through this stage, head supervisors can screen the exhibition of their individual stores comparative with that of neighboring ones. Notwithstanding giving data to the senior supervisors, the leaderboard likewise handed-off a similar data to territorial directors and to the base camp, which suggests that remote checking of store got conceivable. It additionally expanded straightforwardness in the activities of the stores since workers had the option to follow key execution markers and make revisions at whatever point a circumstance emerged that justified such.
Global Warming & Climate Change Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
An Earth-wide temperature boost and Climate Change - Article Example Johannessen takes note of that an unnatural weather change is so disturbing in light of the fact that it isn't just being contributed for naturally, just yet in addition human exercises. As indicated by Johannessen, the issue is excessively imperative because of the expanding and further expected increment of the emanation of carbon dioxide into the climate. For example, he contends that the measure of this gas was recorded high in the year 2011 and the worth is required to increment in the years to come. Quite, the facts confirm that a dangerous atmospheric devation is undermining the world and its pioneers. Be that as it may, an unnatural weather change can't just ascribe to the expanded emanation into the climate. Truth be told, regardless of whether individuals quit discharging ozone depleting substances into the climate, an unnatural weather change will in any case be a danger since the ozone is now exhausted and it adds to the expansion of age of ozone harming substances through radical response instruments into the environment. As Johannessen note, the facts confirm that carbon dioxide is a danger of expanding an unnatural weather change and they can be discharged into the air normally and through human exercises. Regardless, there is an expanded human movement including industrialization exercises that put the world at a lot more serious danger of an Earth-wide temperature boost. In any case, Johannessen ought to consider that the air has no dividers; thusly, the ecological im pacts started from a specific area will naturally spread to totally all pieces of the world (Archer, 2012). In this manner, the endeavors to lessen globalization ought to be contributed for by all countries of the world.
Friday, August 21, 2020
vanishing twin essays
disappearing twin papers The Vanishing Twin Syndrome happens when one of the twin embryos vanishes from the moms belly while she is pregnant, which for the most part bring about a solitary birth. What really befalls the baby is that it immediately prematurely ends regularly during the primary trimester and the fetal tissues is consumed by either the other twin, the placenta, or the mother, which makes the hatchling appears as though it has disappeared. Since there isnt actually an unmistakable reason for most premature deliveries there are likewise not generally reasons or clarifications for one of the hatchling to suddenly prematurely end. In certain circumstances the baby may have some kind of chromosomal or placental anomalies, which may make it prematurely end. An issue with the umbilical implantation may likewise assume a job in VTS. Researchers contemplates have indicated that 1 out of 8 individuals start their existence with a twin however just 1in 70 really become a twin. Studies have likewise indica ted that 80% of twin pregnancies bring about the lost of either of the infants. Despite the fact that the departure of an infant for a different pregnancy is high the Vanishing Twin Syndrome happens in 21-30% of numerous pregnancies. In the ongoing years there has been more occurrences of the Vanishing Twin Syndrome not on the grounds that it wasnt happening such a great amount previously but since of the way that cutting edge technogly has propelled which permits it to recognize a greater amount of these cases. Before, numerous ladies experienced Vanishing Twin Syndrome while never knowing it. At the point when this disorder happens in pregnant ladies the mother might not have any side effects whatsoever however in the event that they do they may have gentle squeezing, draining or pelvic inconvenience. Much of the time when the embryo has prematurely ended, neither the mother nor the rest of the pieces of the hatchling gets any sort of clinical treatment. On the off chance that VTS happens in the primary trimester the mother would go on as normally and convey the other infant. Anyway sometimes the embryo may pass on in the second or third trimester and the enduring child may grow ce ... <!
Automated data reconciliation of the clinical and safety databases Thesis
Robotized information compromise of the clinical and security databases - Thesis Example It spares time, and all the more critically, disposes of potential disparities between databases. At whatever point errors are conceivable, it requires additional quality confirmation ventures for settling confounds (Zhengwu Lu, and Lu, Zhengwu, 2009). Genuine Adverse Event, SAE, and Adverse Event, AE, compromise thinks about explicit information between two databases; a clinical database and a security database. A clinical database characterized as s shut framework while a wellbeing database as an open framework. A clinical database can survey information for just a brief timeframe period that is enduring of the preliminary, thus characterized as shut. A wellbeing database then again, is an open framework because of its persistent gathering of new SAEs or updates of SAEs that as of now exist concerning any clinical preliminaries in any event, when they are bolted (Van et al 2012). Information the executives plays out the errand of SAE and AE compromise. Two offices are typically included, the pharmacovigilance and medication wellbeing, and clinical information science. During the information compromise, SAE is gathered in the security database and in the clinical database. Information cleaning happens as per the particulars of information approval (Dwivedi and IGI Global, 2009). SAE compromise is performed consistently between first patient first visit, FPFV, and last patient last visit, LPLV. The purpose behind such auspicious exhibitions gives information that is solid and dependable, that is of extraordinarily helpful in dynamic procedures on a drug’s wellbeing profile and progressive preliminary plan. It additionally guarantees consistency in answering to wellbeing specialists in regards to singular Safety reports, New Drug Application, and the yearly Investigational New Drug Update (Trasi, 1994). The range of abilities available in the information the board segment, numerous extra things should be possible. The inside abilities of the segment are not completely used. It isn't satisfying for people and the association. The possibilities and the requests are there.
Sunday, June 28, 2020
SAT Math Translating Percentage Questions
Percentage questions on the SAT often use words and phrases in place of mathematical operators and expressions. To find the answers, just translate the relevant English into the required math. To translate a percentage question, break it down phrase by phrase and swap out words for operators. For instance, replace â€Å"is†with an equals sign and â€Å"of†with a multiplication sign. Here’s an example problem. If 10 is 2% of z, what is 50% of z ? 0.1 5 250 500 1000 Start with the first part of the questionâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬ if 10 is 2% of z†is ⇒ = of ⇒ Ãâ€" If 10 is 2% of z If 10 = 0.02 Ãâ€" z If 500 = z You may feel tempted to stop and select (D). Don’t do it! You still need to translate the second part of the questionâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬ what is 50% of z†. You know how to translate â€Å"is†and â€Å"of†. The word â€Å"what†signifies an unknown, so it can be replaced with a variable, such as x. If the problem already uses x, replace what with a question mark. You can also use a question mark even if x isn’t in the problem. what ⇒ ? what is 50% of z ? = 0.5 Ãâ€" z Now, put all the parts together and solve for the unknown. ? = 0.5 Ãâ€" z z = 500 ? = 0.5 Ãâ€" 500 ? = 250 Thus, (C) is correct. Some of the more difficult percentage problems will require you to translate the phrase â€Å"what percent.†This pair of words points to an unknown percentage, so you’ll translate it into a fraction with a denominator of 100 and an unknown numeratorâ€â€that is,x100 or ?100. Take a look at this tough question. If s is 2% of t, what percent of t is 100 in terms of s? Related articles # Inequalities 0 661 # Coordinate Geometry 0 1069 #SAT Writing And Language Word- Usage Question Type 0 1163 #SAT Writing And Language Passage Structure Based Question Type 0 2847 #SAT Writing And Language Grammar Question Type 0 1792 20s% s20 % s200 % 20s % 200s % The phrase â€Å"in terms of s†means you need to set t equal to an expression that includes s. You’ll be able to do so right after you translate the first part of the questionâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬ if s is 2% of t†If s is 2% of t if s = 0.02 Ãâ€" t Now solve for t. s = 0.02 Ãâ€" t s0.02 = t Next, translate the second part of the questionâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬ what percent of t is 100 in terms of s†what percent ⇒ ?100 what percent of t is 100 ?100 Ãâ€" t = 100 Finally, replace t with its equivalent in terms of s and then solve for the question mark. ?100 Ãâ€" s0.02 = 100 ? Ãâ€" s2 = 100 ? Ãâ€" s = 200 ? = 200s Thus, (E) is correct -->To review, you learned four English-to-Math translations you can use in wordy percentage problems. Here they are again. is ⇒ = (equals) of ⇒ Ãâ€" (times) what ⇒ x or ? what percent ⇒ x100 or ?100 Want more math tips like these? Check out this post: SAT Math: Disguised Average Questions. In the meantime, try a few more practice problems. If 9 is x percent of 45, what is x percent of 50? 2 5 10 15 20 If s 0 and s percent of 10 is equal to 40% of t, what is the value of st  ? 1 4 10 40 100 If j and k are positive numbers, what percent of (j3 + 4) is k? k(j3 + 4) % 100kj3 + 4 % j3 + 4k % kj3 + 4 % j3 + 4100k % Answers: 1. (C) 2. (B) 3. (B)
Saturday, May 30, 2020
McDonalds in Pop Culture The Analysis of Changes in Commercials - Free Essay Example
In the 20th century, advertising consisted of radio infomercials and TV commercials with storylines. According to Quartz, the first official TV commercial aired on July 1, 1941. It was a commercial for Bulova Watch Co. and it cost only $9 total to air it. These days, a commercial can range from a few hundred dollars to thousands and Super Bowl Ads can be priced up to $5 million. McDonalds is one of the biggest advertisers and on average spends $2 billion annually. They are also one of the biggest fast food chains in the world and a substantial factor for their success is marketing. One of the most important concepts McDonalds introduced was called McDonaldland. Launched in 1971, McDonaldland was implemented as an advertising campaign to advertise McDonalds. McDonaldland was a fictional magical world consisting of Ronald McDonald, the Hamburglar, and food-based characters like Mayor McCheese and Officer Big Mac. With the internet and social media being a major part of this generation, advertisers have been forced to change their way of marketing products and services. Change in pop culture has affected techniques such as characters, plot, time, and slogans in advertising over time. Fictional characters played a big role in capturing the interests of kids in advertising. McDonalds used food-based and other characters to market their products. In an older McDonalds commercial, they used the characters Ronald McDonald, the Hamburglar, and the Hamburgers. Willard Scott who had played Bozo the Clown prior created Ronald McDonald. After Bozo went off air following years of popularity among kids, a local McDonalds asked him to create a clown to replace Bozo and Scott came up with Ronald McDonald (Scott, 1983). Before clowns were considered sinister and disturbing, clowns symbolized delight and glee for children. Clowns were popular, and children loved them. For children to see a clown on television, it brought them joy and captured their attention. Ronald McDonald is still known today, however, he and other characters stopped appearing in commercials due to the fall of McDonaldLand. Hes just known as the mascot of McDonalds and represents the Ronald McDonald House Ch arities. Additionally, for McDonalds to have incorporated fictional characters like these in their commercials, they were catering to trends at the time. Amusement parks such as Disneyland were the place to go and have a magical day with the family. Incorporating a fictional world into their commercials gave a sense of that type of magic for children. McDonalds could too be the happiest place on earth just like Disneyland. In contrast, celebrity endorsements are now used to grab the attention of teens and adults. Specifically, this commercial targeted those who are sports orientated in contrary to targeting children in the past commercial. Therefore, athletes LeBron James and Dwight Howard starred in this commercial, instead of fictional characters like Ronald McDonald in the past commercials. In the era of social media, celebrity endorsements are extremely popular. For example, Weight Watchers has used DJ Khaled, Oprah Winfrey, and Jessica Simpson to advertise their service. These types of influencers help brands gain popularity because of their enormous fanbases. In this case, McDonalds uses LeBron James and Dwight Howard in this recent commercial because they have a huge following on social media and are considered healthy and physically fit. McDonalds uses these tactics to gain popularity for their products and to ironically showcase that eating McDonalds isnt as unhealthy as it seems. Storylines were used to grab the interests of kids in advertising. The older McDonalds commercial was set in Hamburger University. Ronald McDonald was teaching hamburgers about the Hamburglar and how he steals hamburgers. The structure of this commercial was similar to the formatting of cartoons and children shows in the 70s and 80s. For example, Sesame Street was a childrens show that educated children academically and introduced moral values. Through teaching, this commercial advocated against stealing, an action that is considered morally wrong. Ronald McDonald caught the Hamburglar and taught him and the audience not to steal hamburgers. Hamburglar is shown writing Dont take hamburgers. Robble Robble. in detention. The theme of the commercial may suggest that stealing is wrong. However, it could be showing children that the hamburgers are delicious to the point that they are a target of burglary. As a result, McDonalds could be using this format to insinuate, Dont steal hamburger s, go to McDonalds and buy them instead. When this commercial aired, society revolved around television. Using a format of a childrens TV shows was effective in gaining a childs attention. On the other hand, now commercials are venturing off from plots and are leaning towards quick-paced ads to target those with a shorter attention span. Due to the existence of the internet and technology, people have become less attentive and are focused on convenience. In this more recent commercial, Dwight Howard challenges LeBron James to a game for his lunch, a Big Mac and fries. In the midst of playing basketball, someone else quickly comes and eats the food. Dwight Howard and LeBron James were left in awe once theyve realized that the food was completely eaten. This commercial doesnt have a plot in contrary to the past commercial. However, the underlying theme is similar in both commercials. The older commercial insinuates the deliciousness of the hamburgers by showing someone is willing to steal them. And the newer commercial tries to imply that McDonalds is good by showing that people are willing to fight over their food. The time these commercials aired and the time gap between them played a major part in why they were made the way they were made. The older commercial was released in 1989, in the age where television was popular. Children were not glued to their phones or technology. Instead, they only had the outside or television. This made children the target of interest for advertisers. Additionally, they had a disposable income, large purchasing influence, and were easily targeted with ads. The more recent commercial was released in 2010, in the midst of the existence of social media and the world wide web. Teens, adults, and even children are actively using technology. Teens are especially are constantly on social media. By using the celebrities that teens follow on social media, teens are an easy target for advertisers. In McDonalds case, LeBron James and Dwight Howard have huge followings on social media, 50 million followers combined on Twitter alone. With the use of association, McDonalds a ttached their brand to LeBron James and Dwight Howards name and using their heavy influence over social media to help gain more popularity for their brand. Society today is social media based, using social media influencers is more effective to advertise a brand. Additionally, using such short advertisements shows how society is impatient and runs on convenience. Furthermore, since the two commercials were aired about 30 years apart, the production value differs greatly. In their first advertising campaign, McDonalds spent an unprecedented $2.3 million. In contrast, McDonalds spent around $530 million on advertising in 2017. The number of mediums to advertise has increased since the older commercial has aired. It isnt just TV anymore, now there are advertisements on YouTube videos, social media, web pages, apps, etc. This ties back into people these days having short attention spans. McDonalds advertisements on YouTube videos or any video lasts at most 15 seconds. Additionally, most advertisements on social media or web pages are generally images or a link to their app and site. The advertisements pop up rather quickly and go away just as fast which caters to short attention spans, persuading in a short period of time making the audience feel less obligated to turn it off. In contrary to the past commercial, McDonalds used to focus mainly on television along with newspapers and radio. Newspapers and radio were the social media and internet of the past. Overall, based on the major differences of these two commercials production values, it is clear that todays technological advancements assist in drawing a significant number of viewers for McDonalds commercials than advertisements products in their very early advertising campaigns. McDonalds slogans have changed at the launch of every advertising campaign. In the older commercial, McDonalds uses the slogan From McDonalds. In the more recent commercial, McDonalds uses Im Lovin It. In 2003, Justin Timberlake sang a song for McDonalds that introduced the slogan Im Lovin It. Compared to the older slogan and all other slogans, Im Lovin It was well received and is the longest running slogan that McDonalds has ever had. However, slogans were still used in both commercials as an advertising tactic. They both implement the logo consisting of two golden arches that create an M. The only difference is the placement of the logo. In the older commercial, Ronald McDonald makes the logo shape with his hands and the logo appears on the bottom right. In the more recent commercial, it cuts to a red screen and then the logo appears in the center. The logo is much bigger and more centered now to make it much more obvious. In conclusion, advertising techniques such as characters, plot, time and slogans have changed over time due to the influence of pop culture. Fictional characters played a major part in commercials in the past to target children whilenow celebrity endorsements are used. In the older commercial, having a storyline was a critical component to keep children engaged. However, in the newer commercial, shorter fast-paced commercials keep the audience from clicking off. Time has affected the mediums in which McDonalds advertise and the amount of money they put into advertising. Slogans have changed, but the logo has remained similar since then. Pop culture has greatly affected advertising through the advancements in technology.
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